Sunday, April 12, 2015

Love my look

Hello fellow fashionistas
I want to tell you a little about me! To begin I'm Tonya I'm a loving mother and hopefully soon to be wife. I reside in Charlotte, North Carolina I work in the banking industry and I have a big problem; I love fashion. I can read magazines all day and will troll the mall from sun up to sun down, its my life. Its gotten to the point were I shop almost daily! I go to boutiques during my lunch break at work and even shop online while I'm working.
Where it all begin.....
  Growing up my parents believed in minimal. Their philosophy was if we weren't going to die if we didn't have it we didn't need it. With that being said that ment we didn't get to stay with the trends while growing up. It came to the point where I would cry for the latest shoes and clothes; then one day my dad said since you have to have this stuff get a job and you can buy it yourself..... I mind you I was around 11 years old at the time, but I was determined.
   I started helping out around my aunts diner and she would pay me!  I saved and decided to find other ways to make money so I sold candy I babysat and did everything I could. So when the latest styles came out I was able to stay in the loop. Fast forward to highschool it's senior year and I had no idea what I wanted to major in. I thought I wanted to go into the medical field and then figured I didn't like the sight of blood, what was I to do?
  I was setting in my fashion merchandising class ( a class I took to fill space in my schedule) and had no clue what school I was going to be attending the next year nor what I was going to major in, then my teacher decided to close the door of the room. I don't know if it was fate or what made me pay attention to the old rutty poster on the back of the door that day but I did. This poster said why don't you major in fashion here are some careers in the industry.  I said to myself why not I have the highest grade in the class I'm good at this so I'll give it a try. That day after school I filled out an application and sent it off. A few weeks later I discovered I was accepted to the school during a tour of the facility!
  While in school I met so many others that shared the same passion as I and made some life long friends. So what I plan to do is share some of my looks and possibly help you figure out how to replicate them. Click on the links below to find some pieces similar to those I'm wearing!
Thank you for taking the time to step into my world and share my passion for fashion! 

1 comment:

  1. My mom definitely lived by that you won't die if you don't get it philosophy. It used to annoy me so much when she'd say that. And now I find myself saying that very same thing to my kids about toys.
